Women's passion for sports can ignite positive change in communities.

Women hold immense power to shape their communities through sports. Sport, a cornerstone of the entertainment industry, possesses the potential to revolutionize health and well-being. Yet, a significant portion of women feel excluded from the world of sports.

The Impact League is a women's recreational league that is committed to creating a more inclusive and welcoming environment for women. We believe that sports have the power to inspire and unite people, and we want to make sure that every women has the opportunity to experience the joy of sport. 

In recent years, women's soccer leagues have emerged as a global phenomenon, captivating audiences worldwide. The Impact League harnesses this trend, championing a fresh and inclusive approach to sports entertainment.

Women deserve to feel welcomed and empowered in the world of sports at every skill level. Join us in making sports a place where all women feel valued and respected.

A groundbreaking milestone in the pursuit of gender equality in the world of sports.

The Impact League is a transformative initiative that not only provides a platform for women to showcase their talent as athletes and community changemakers, but it also celebrates the resilience and determination of women, inspiring others to pursue their dreams and make a positive impact on the world.

As the demand for gender equity and inclusivity gains momentum, it is increasingly evident that significant improvements are needed to level the playing field. Investment in women's sports should no longer be relegated to an afterthought but prioritized as a cornerstone of a more equitable and just society.

By nurturing the potential of women's sports, we not only encourage female athletes—at all skill levels—to achieve their full potential but also foster a healthier and more inclusive world for all.

The gender play gap is an issue with far-reaching consequences for women's health and well-being.

Research has shown that girls' sports participation declines sharply during adolescence, with some studies revealing a staggering 83% drop-off rate. This alarming trend has serious health implications, as inactive adolescent girls are more likely to become inactive adult women, increasing their risk of developing chronic diseases such as diabetes and depression.

The lack of opportunities and resources for girls and women in sports is a significant contributing factor to the gender play gap. Girls often face inadequate facilities, equipment, and coaching compared to their male counterparts. They also have fewer opportunities to participate in organized sports and receive less media coverage.

Furthermore, cultural and societal factors often discourage girls from participating in sports. In many cultures, women are restricted from engaging in physical activity, and even in countries with more open attitudes towards female athletes, girls often face a lack of positive role models and societal pressures that prioritize other roles for them.

The gender play gap is not just a matter of missed opportunities and unfulfilled potential; it is a critical issue with serious implications for women's health and well-being. We must recognize the urgency of addressing this issue and take concrete steps to create a more equitable and inclusive environment for girls and women in sports:

  • By providing girls with access to safe, affordable, and appropriate sports programs, we can empower them to make healthy choices and embrace physical activity.

  • By celebrating female athletes and showcasing their achievements in the media, we can inspire a new generation of girls to pursue their sporting dreams.

  • And by challenging cultural norms and promoting gender equality in sports, we can create a world where all girls and women have the opportunity to experience the joy and benefits of participating in sports.

When a woman is physically active, there is a 98 % chance that her children will be too.

  • Diabetes affects more than 70 million women in the world and its prevalence is projected to double by 2025.

  • On average, sports coverage in national and local print media dedicated to women’s sport are below 5 %. 

  • Physical activity can also provide a vehicle for social integration and equality for women in society.

  • More than 3/4 of working women feel that sports participation helps enhance their self-image.

  • Physical activity has been associated with improved psychological health by reducing stress level, anxiety and depression.

  • According to the British Journal of Sports Medicine, doing at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week, would lead to an increase in Global GDP of 0.15% to 0.24% per year by 2050 which is worth up to US$314-446 billion per year.

Global Goals meet reality: Impact League turns aspirations into action.

The UN's Global Goals provide a comprehensive blueprint for achieving a more equitable and sustainable world. While the goals outline the desired outcomes, we at the Impact League are dedicated to turning these aspirations into tangible action.

By aligning our sports programs with the specific targets and indicators under the UN's Global Goals, we recognize that gender equality is not merely a standalone objective. It is the cornerstone upon which a peaceful, prosperous, and sustainable future is built.

Through our unwavering commitment to closing the gender gap in sports participation, we are not only empowering girls and women but also laying the foundation for a world with less poverty, greater climate justice, improved health, stronger economies, and countless other benefits. 

Every team playing in the Impact League is making the Global Goals a reality, not just through words but through concrete actions in their Purpose Projects.

The Impact League has redefined the concept of an athlete since its inception in 2015

The Impact League is a movement that redefines what it means to be an athlete. By embracing the Global Goals, the spirit of inclusivity and empowerment, we are creating a league where women of all backgrounds have the opportunity to shine on the field, leaving a legacy of inspiration and positive impact in their communities.

Within our global network of over 7,000 players, we have witnessed a remarkable transformation. 

The Impact League is a catalyst for personal growth and community transformation. Our player surveys reveal that 69% of our participants have taken on leadership roles within their communities, while 54% have experienced a positive shift in their social standing. These outcomes are a direct reflection of the league's commitment to fostering a sense of empowerment and enabling women to make a meaningful difference in their lives and the lives of others.

The league's impact extends beyond individual players, reaching deep into the heart of communities.

Our initiatives have resulted in the strengthening of local communities, as evidenced by the 72% of players who have actively contributed to building more cohesive and resilient social networks. This collective effort underscores the league's ability to harness the power of sports to create positive social change.

What the women say about playing in the league ...

  • 97 % expressed that the league was special to them.

  • 80 % felt they made a positive impact through their Global Goals activities.

  • 80 % are very likely to continue meeting with their team.

  • 80 % are very likely to take part in the next league.

  • 93,3 % are very likely to continue working on their Global Goals as a team.

Partnerships: Catalyzing player-driven impact.

Partnerships serve as powerful catalysts, amplifying the impact of our players' community work and enabling them to achieve far greater outcomes than they could alone.

Our most successful partnerships are built on a foundation of shared vision, values, and a long-term commitment to social responsibility and sustainable impact. These enduring collaborations span 3+ years and involve a range of campaigns and tactics, ensuring that every player, partner, and community member has a meaningful and transformative experience.

Together, we are reversing the trend of underfunding and neglect in women's sports, inspiring local women to become global changemakers through the power of sports.

By providing women from all walks of life with a platform to shine, we are empowering them to discover their untapped potential and make a lasting impact on their communities and the world.

As the world embraces gender diversity and inclusivity, women's sports are gaining the recognition and support they deserve. Our data reveals that women are not just passionate fans and players; they are also driving forces for positive change, eager to leverage their love of sports to create a more equitable and sustainable future for all.

Reach out to the founders: Majken Gilmartin and Marie Hansen.

Partnering with the Impact League represent a strategic alliance that creates shared value for all parties involved.

Partners gain access to a passionate and socially conscious audience, enhance their brand reputation, strengthen their ESG profile, and generate additional revenue streams, all while contributing to a more just and equitable world.

  • Elevate Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) standing.

  • Demonstrate commitment to the 17 Global Goals.

  • Become catalysts for positive change, enhancing reputation and strengthening ties to the communities.

  • To explore Revenue:

    • Impact League to share sponsorship revenue with partners for local sponsorship revenue

    • Impact League to do a revenue share with partners on ticket sales to games played in partner venues

Two test leagues in numbers. The key statistics.

The first test league season was a 3-month pilot to provide a women-centric and community-based space for women to play, compete, make friends, and create solutions to local challenges.

The second league season was smaller, with 7 teams and less than 100 players. This created a more well-balanced environment to build new connections and friendships across the teams.

Both seasons were supported by Denmark's Novo Nordisk Foundation.

First season, fall of 2022

  • 10 teams, 130 players aged aged 18 to 48.

  • 62 five-a-side games. 

  • 123 hours of football training.

  • 12.801 attendees to the teams 57 football events and community work for the Global Goals.

  • 5,751 potential people reached, the team's Instagram profiles combined.

  • Season page

Second season, spring of 2023

  • 7 teams, 85 players aged 17 to 48.

  • 118,5 hours of football training.

  • 11,866 attendees to the team's 96 football events and 136 community events for the Global Goals.

  • 25,771 potential people reached the team's Instagram profiles combined.

  • 110 new partnerships were created.

  • Season page